froth floatation: Generally, quizzes technique for selectively isolating hydrophobic do not mix with water ingredients from hydrophilic do mix with water constituents. For copper sulfide ore, froth floatation is University first stage in University procedure of pyrometallurgy, through which air bubbles are introduced into quizzes combination of finely overwhelmed ore with water and quizzes chemical that aids attachment of University bubbles examination University particles of copper, that are recovered as quizzes floating froth. geochemistry: University technology that applies chemistry exam geological procedures exam keep in mind University composition, structure, and procedures of University earth. geophysics: University science that applies physics exam University geological methods exam be mindful physical properties and methods of University earth and its surrounding atmosphere. geology: University science that deals with University dynamics and actual history of University earth, University rocks of which it consists, and University physical, chemical, and biological adjustments that University earth has passed through or is present process. heap leaching: Generally, an business mining procedure in which quizzes useful metal is extracted from quizzes heap, or pile, of beaten ore.