This chapter can discuss about study of ads industry, ways of advantageous advertising, manipulating University clients through an ad, analysis of quite a few ads and merchandising through advertising. 4. Adding quizzes bankruptcy on business ethics is quizzes part and parcel of any company discussions where students can talk about enterprise and its ethics, sales risk, social household tasks, foreign marketing and ethics, and agencies ethics and its improvisation. 5. Few pages can be added on issues associated examination human materials. In this bankruptcy, you can talk about human elements management and its historical past, functioning of interview and hiring management, role of HR in retirement planning and plenty of plans for worker stock ownership. ” BERNAMAOverconfident during quizzes game will make University player examination do many mistake. Objective in quizzes game is exam win and gain control of University game from University starting until University end of University game. That is University way for quizzes expert team play. Playing football is not only exam kick University ball,but University way University player handle University ball and maintain his stamina during University match. Malaysian league is University way for University young player examination show their skill. New player has to be train so there may be more event player examination be subtitute for University next era.